Waldorf Projekt

Howard Sullivan: Expect Your Future Food Entertainment Agenda to be Experiential

Howard Sullivan: Expect Your Future Food Entertainment Agenda to be Experiential

In the 90s, food was deconstructed. In the noughties, food became gastronomic and experimental (cue Heston eating food with headphones playing sounds from the sea).

We’re now part of a really exciting generation where food is becoming fully immersive and experiential. I was inspired by Sean Rogg’s The Waldorf Project to check out what the latest food experiences were and
where our culinary adventures may take us in the future.

Der dritte Teil soll 2016 stattfinden. Man hat festgestellt, dass dieser Teil konzeptionell so ambitioniert ist, dass es eines Testdurchlaufs bedarf.

Waldorf Project E.R.L. for Chapter Three/FUTURO from sean rogg

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